
Nest Cam Captures Bald Eagle and Chicks' Understandable Shock During California Earthquake

The Santa Cruz Island eagles were about as shocked as any of us would have been.

Earthquakes can be scary to everyone, even the mighty bald eagle.

And a nest cam at Channel Islands National Park proved just that Thursday when the region was rocked by a 5.3 temblor that hit just off the coast of California.

An eagle and her little eaglets were understandably shocked.

With their nest quaking, one spooked parent eagle takes flight for a moment as the earthbound eaglets sway gently, their beaks wide open as if gasping at the strange occurrence. 

But the parent soon returns and the rocking quickly stops. No birds were hurt.

Thankfully, the same is true for the people in the Santa Cruz region who felt the 5.3-magnitude quake on the mainland, though it was the largest felt in the Golden State in several years.

"A 5.3 could be damaging if it was right under our feet," John Vidale, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center at USC, told reporters. "It's right on the edge of being an earthquake that could be dangerous. It's a reminder that we need to be ready in the future."

No major damage was reported.

However, experts said following the quake that there's a 1-in-20 chance a larger one will strike in the next few weeks, according to the Los Angeles Times.

You can watch more of the Channel Islands National Park nest cam, and see the birds live, here.