New Jersey Couple Set to Marry Saturday Embraces Royal Wedding Date

The bride is actually OK with the fact that her wedding falls on the same day as that of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, and she's even donning a tiara for the ceremony.

Heather Edmonds is getting married on Saturday, the same day as the royal wedding

The New Jersey bride, however, is not upset about the idea that the royals may steal her thunder. In fact, she's embracing it. 

Edmonds is even wearing her own tiara during the ceremony. 

"I feel like a princess," she told Inside Edition. 

Heather's prince is a fellow named Joe Segreto of Tom's River, N.J.

In Windsor, the royals will be incorporating the memory of the late Princess Diana.

Heather and Joe will do something similar by remembering her mom, who passed away two years ago. 

"We were actually joking that Princess Diana and my mom were fighting in heaven about who gets the better weather," she said. 

The eyes of the world are glued to the royals, but for the New Jersey couple will only have eyes for each other on their wedding day.

"We'll always remember that we got married on the same day as Harry and Meghan. It's amazing," she said.