
New Jersey Man Paddleboards Across Hudson River Dressed in a Suit to Get to Interview

He didn't want to be late for an interview, he said.

A New Jersey man didn’t want to be late for his interview, so he decided to paddleboard across the Hudson River to get there.

Scott Holt, 32, said was running late for an interview in New York on Thursday and didn’t want to "splurge on a ferry." Instead, he grabbed his paddleboard and made his way onto the river, clad in a full suit and shoes.

“I actually expected it to take a really long time but it only took like a half hour,” Holt told “It gave my shoes a free shoe shine and [it was] a free commute."

Eunice Rivers, of Jersey City, was on the ferry to New York when she spotted Holt and decided to take a video.

"Everyone was like laughing and was like, 'What is he doing?'" Rivers said. "I had to record it because no one was going to believe me."

Rivers shared the video on her Facebook page, where it has received more than 200,000 views.

"I thought it was quite hilarious," Rivers added. "He was in a suit. He had a briefcase and a bow tie on."

Holt said he was stopped by police, who gave him a bit of a scolding, but they let him go.

Thankfully, he arrived at his interview with some time to spare.