New Jersey Man Walks 300 Miles to Help Single Mom He's Never Met Who Is Crippled by Multiple Sclerosis

The New Jersey man says he just wants to help out.

For a woman he's never met , Brian Sebok is sleeping under overpasses and alongside roads as he walks 300 miles to help her. 

The 29-year-old New Jersey construction worker is crazy like that. He gets an idea in his head, makes a commitment to it, and that's that. In this case, it was him seeing a distraught Facebook video posted by Pennsylvania mom Nichole Snyder.

She is battling multiple sclerosis. She is a single mom to a 7-year-old boy. She can no longer walk. She shakes a lot. And because her house is not outfitted for a handicapped person, she is trapped inside it.

"We need help," the 29-year-old mother says, crying, as she snuggles with her son, Carter. "Sometimes people need help. Is mommy sick? Does mommy lay (sic) in bed all day?" The boy nods. "Yes. So now he's upset."

The images weighed on Sebok's heart. 

"She was really upset," Sebok told Tuesday. "I thought, 'I could be a nice guy here. I could walk 300 miles and help raise this money."

So he established a GoFundMe page in May to raise $5,000 to build a wheelchair ramp and other mobility upgrades at Snyder's Palemerton house. He stepped off the porch of his Netcong home and has been walking every since.

On Tuesday, he was standing at a gas station in Brooklyn, CT, taking a breather after spending the past two days putting one foot in front of the other in stifling humidity and temperatures soaring past 90.

"I'm pushing through it," he said. "It's not that bad. I walked across the U.S. last year and at this time I was walking the Mojave Desert, where it was 123 degrees."

Yes, he said he walked across the entire country last year. It was just something he wanted to do. So like Forrest Gump, he set out from his house and just kept walking. For 11 months and one day.


"Just to do it. It was just a dream. I saved up my money."

He works in the construction industry had volunteered for long hours and overtime to earn extra money.

On his current walk, Sebok plans to end his journey next month in Boston, where another woman suffering from MS reached out on social media to tell him she would walk the last mile with him.

He's looking forward to that.

"I am truly blessed," Snyder told "I think I might still be in shock. I was going through such a had time and felt so hopeless."

Then a Facebook friend she'd never met suddenly popped up and said "I can help."

She didn't believe him at first. Then he talked to her on the phone, and spoke to her family. "He was preparing for the 300-mile journey before I even knew he was going to do it," she said. 

She and Sebok have now passed their goal of $5,000. But Sebok wants folks to keep on giving. 

"It's just an act of kindness," Sebok said. "And knowing that I can help someone out in this world."