New York Man in Dire Need of a Kidney Hopes Massive Times Square Billboard Will Find Him a Donor

Doctors removed both of Marc Weiner's kidneys and bladder as he fought cancer.

Marc Weiner is in desperate need of a kidney donor — and he's using a giant billboard to get his message out to the world. 

Weiner's plea for a kidney can be seen in New York City's Times Square, where it flashes up every seven minutes for 20 seconds. The message will remain there for the next three months. Altogether, the ad space's total value is estimated at $100,000. 

Weiner, 53, had both kidneys and his bladder removed because of cancer. He's hooked up to dialysis machines three times a week, but his body can only handle so much. 

"My doctors say my heart can't take it much longer," Weiner told Inside Edition. 

As luck would have it, a family friend is in the billboard business and donated the space on the prominent billboard. 

Weiner said eight people have already reached out to him. 

"That's eight chances I have that I didn't just last week," Weiner said. 

Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, indeed!