
Overeager Dog Adorably Runs Down Aisle to Greet His Humans

A dog trainer tried to teach the pup to gracefully walk down the aisle at the wedding in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, but he had something else in mind.

It's a canine wedding crasher!

Colonel, the four-legged honorary groomsman, just couldn’t wait to see his humans get married. So the Labrador sprinted down the aisle and crashed right into the microphone.

Dog trainer Danielle Marcheso tried to teach the pup to gracefully walk down the aisle at the wedding in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, but Colonel had something else in mind.

“The bride and groom had a slightly different expectation,” she said.

The bride, Kate Gueno, said she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“This is totally him, and so perfect,” the bride said.

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