Paraglider Who Deployed Rescue Parachute Seconds Before Hitting the Ground Says He'll Fly Again

Heart-stopping video footage captured the moment paraglider Kevin Phillip managed to deploy his rescue parachute before hitting the ground.

A paraglider who was seconds from certain death after his parachute lines became tangled as he plummeted toward the earth said the terrifying experience will not deter him from flying again.  

“Yeah, I’m super motivated to fly again,” paraglider Kevin Philipp told Inside Edition.  

Heart-stopping video footage captured the moment Phillip managed to deploy his rescue parachute before hitting the ground. His other parachute’s lines were tangled by a gust of wind while he was thousands of feet in the air, as onlookers, including his own mother, watched horrified from the ground.  

With literally just one second to spare, Philipp deployed the secondary parachute.  

“I got super lucky that the parachute didn't break, and I came down super smooth,” he said. “It looks a bit traumatic, my landing, but actually there was no injury, no harm at that point.” 

Though Philipp said paragliding is normally safe because a paraglider is always supposed to be equipped with multiple parachutes, this isn't the Swiss-born adventurer's first near-death accident

Philipp had to learn to walk again after a paragliding fall five years ago left him partially paralyzed. 

Still, he plans to return to the air. 

“I don't regret any of this,” he said.  

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