Passenger Freaks Out on Private Jet Flight: 'Heads Will Be Chopped Off!'

The plane had to make an emergency landing and police used a Taser to subdue the passenger.

Video has emerged of a DJ freaking out on a private plane, allegedly threatening to kill the passengers by beheading them. 

Footage of the September incident, obtained by CNBC, was shot on board a 12-passenger Gulfstream jet, flying from Las Vegas to New York. The passenger freaking out was DJ Maurice Paola, 23. 

He reportedly threw cups and other objects at the other passengers on board. 

A co-pilot tried in vain to calm him down. Court documents say the lone flight attendant on board "armed herself with an oxygen bottle and the aircrew barricaded themselves in the cockpit while declaring an emergency. The doors to the cockpit ... are not fortified, and could easily have been breached by Paola."

The plane made an emergency landing in Nebraska, and police Tasered Paola before they could get him under control.

He was charged with making terrorist threats but was later declared "mentally incompetent and unable to stand trial."

The Sept. 3 incident occurred on JetSmarter, which is known as the “Uber for private jets,” according to reports. 


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