Pennsylvania Man Charged After Altercation at Store Over Not Wearing Mask

Many states have ordered that masks be worn inside businesses. Pennsylvania requires both shoppers and workers to wear them, but there is an exception for people with medical conditions.

With more governments requiring the use of masks in public in the wake of coronavirus pandemic, there's a growing group who claim the rule shouldn't apply to them. They're called anti-maskers, and some of them say that wearing face masks worsen their medical conditions.

Pennsylvania resident Nick Conley said he was recently kicked out of a Giant Eagle grocery store in Monroeville for his lack of face mask. He said they cause anxiety attacks, and had a doctor's note saying as much.

"Please excuse Nicholas Conley from any face mask requirements to the extent permitted by law, due to a medical condition," the note said.

Many states have ordered that masks be worn inside businesses. Pennsylvania requires both shoppers and workers to wear them, but there is an exception for people with medical conditions. 

Even with his note, Conley was stopped by a security guard from entering without a face mask, according to video taken of the encounter. It then turned into a physical altercation, in which Conley admitted he pushed the guard, after he said he was pushed first. Conley was charged with disorderly conduct and simple assault.

The grocery store Giant Eagle released a statement, saying: "We have numerous options in place to best support guests who report a medical condition and appropriately bring it to the attention of store leadership. This includes offering to have one of our Team Members shop for them."