Pierce Brosnan, Chris Martin and More Praise Firefighters for Their Work at Board Meeting

In Malibu, the Woolsey Fire has destroyed over 97,000 acres of land, taking many homes along with it, including those of Gerard Butler and Miley Cyrus. 

Celebrities praised firefighters and other first responders for their hard work at an emotional Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday

“I have witnessed many fires in my community and personally experienced the devastation of those fires up close and personal,” actor Pierce Brosnan said at the meeting. “But none as catastrophic as the events that have taken place in our community these past five days and nights.”

Wildfires are spreading across both Northern and Southern California. In Malibu, the Woolsey Fire has destroyed over 97,000 acres of land, taking many homes along with it, including those of Gerard Butler and Miley Cyrus. 

“We have watched as our firefighters and police force have battled with overwhelming courage of heart and conviction to save our homes and our lives and conditions that have tested their resolve to the limits,” Brosnan added.

Later on in the meeting, Coldplay singer Chris Martin thanked the first responders, but noted that Malibu is made up many different people who all need help.

“There is sometimes an image of Malibu that people like me are there more than other people,” Martin said. “… There’s a lot of people who need help from outside … from you guys, essentially.”

Actor Joe Flanigan said he lost his home and everything in it to the fire. He said he was impressed by first responders, but noted there was a lack of them.

“It encourages people to stay put and risk their lives to save their property,” Flanigan said. “If we're going to evacuate people, there has to be a semblance of confidence that there's going to be services there to protect their property. And unfortunately that was not the case.”

Actor Remington Franklin said he stayed to help residents, but they are still in dire need of assistance.

“I could say thank you much to the sheriff's and the fire department and everyone, but we honestly just need help,” he said. “It's insane to see that our town, which is beautiful and amazing, is pretty much in rubble.”

So far, the Woolsey Fire is 47 percent contained.