Rambunctious Dog Steals TV Reporter’s Microphone Out of Her Hands on Live Television

Although the incident was hilarious, the in-studio anchor’s shocked face was just as entertaining.

Dogs are known for being mischievous and playful, but one pup in Russia took things to the next level. 

A Mir-TV newscaster was taking advantage of the warmer temperatures and gave the weather updates outdoors. Unfortunately, sometimes being outdoors means competing with nature, people, and even the occasional animal.

The weather report turned into a chase scene when a golden retriever bounced into the live shot and grabbed the microphone. And honestly, who can blame the dog, considering microphones look an awful lot like bones. 

Afterward, the in-studio anchor’s shocked face was just as entertaining as the incident. She goes on to tell the audience they've “lost connection” while everything is sorted out. Later, the pup, named Martin, gave the equipment back. He also proved he’s a good boy by politely sitting for an interview.


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