Russell Simmons Accuser Claims He Acted Inappropriately at His Home 20 Years Ago

Natashia Williams Blach is one of 13 women to come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against the music mogul.

Natashia Williams Blach is the latest woman to come forward to accuse music mogul Russell Simmons of sexual misconduct.

She says she was an 18-year-old freshman at UCLA and had just filmed her first movie, How to Be a Player, which Simmons had produced. 

“It was my first major film project," she told Inside Edition. "I was all over trailers, I was on the poster. That should have been a cool moment.” 

Instead, she says her experience turned into a nightmare. She says Simmons invited her to his Beverly Hills, Calif., mansion to show her the film's trailer. 

At the time, she was flattered that Simmons had taken an interest in her.

“He was the cool uncle that I got to hang out with,” she said. 

It was 1996 and she says she was having a pleasant visit, when he suddenly made his move.

“It happened very fast, very swiftly," she said. "Next thing I know, my head was between his hands. I can’t call it a kiss. It's like someone's tongue coming into your face."

She says she froze, but then things took disturbing turn.

“Then he pushed my head down to his pelvis area and he starts unbuckling and undoing his pants,” she claimed. 

She says she resisted and quickly came up with an excuse to get away.

"'I have to go back to school — they’re having a study hall. If I am not there, they will notice I am gone and it will be bad,'" she recalled saying. “He shrugged his shoulders and that was it."

The 39-year-old, who's now a jewelry designer, says the #MeToo movement has empowered her to speak out.

“This is enough,” she said. 

At least 12 women have accused Simmons of inappropriate behavior. He has stepped away from his companies and said he will "prove beyond any doubt he is innocent of all rape charges."