
Stranded Siblings Survive Brutal Buffalo Blizzard by Taking Shelter in Target

Corey and his sister Carla are two of the "25 to 30" people who spent Christmas Eve camping out at Target as massive snowfall made driving impossible in the city.

"I've never in my life seen something that bad."

This is how Corey explains the blizzard of the century in Buffalo, New York, to Inside Edition's Steven Fabian.

Corey and his sister Carla are two of the "25 to 30" people who spent Christmas Eve camping out at Target as massive snowfall made driving impossible in the city.

The employees at Target proved to be thoughtful hosts to the stranded motorists, providing them with blow-up mattresses and, in Corey's case, Hot Pockets for dinner.

Then, the store set up a television so the group could enjoy some football.

"We all just sat there, kinda like a little family, watching the Bills games," Carla tells Fabian.

Brother and sister both admit they are lucky to be alive, and credit Target with saving them from having to camp out in their car.

Not all Buffalo residents were that lucky.

Anndel Taylor, a 22-year-old nursing student, sent video to her family after her car got stuck in the snow on Friday.

She continued to update them throughout the day and night, sending one video at midnight which showed a nearby van also stranded in the snow.

Taylor told her sisters in her last message that she planned to take a nap while waiting for rescue workers.

She was found deceased by a family friend who broke through the window of her frozen car 24 hours after she sent that first video.

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