Tammy Duckworth Gives Birth to Baby Girl in a First for a Sitting U.S. Senator

Members of the Senate reportedly threw a baby shower for the expectant mother on March 20 in the Capitol.

Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth has given birth to a baby girl!

The Democratic lawmaker announced the arrival of Maile Pearl Bowlsbey Monday, making Duckworth the first U.S. senator to have a baby while in office.

"Bryan, Abigail and I couldn't be happier to welcome little Maile Pearl as the newest addition to our family and we're deeply honored that our good friend Senator Akaka was able to bless her name for us — his help in naming both of our daughters means he will always be with us," Duckworth said a statement. 

Members of the Senate reportedly threw a baby shower for the expectant mother on March 20 in the Capitol.

Duckworth, who turned 50 last month, had her first child, Abigail, in 2014 while serving in the House of Representatives.

Maile was born at a Washington hospital, according to reports.