
Tech Tycoon Spends Millions on Creating His Own Fountain of Youth

A study found 97 percent of Americans have a fear of aging. Bryan Johnson, 46, claims to have found the fountain of youth.

One tech tycoon is spending millions of dollars to finance his quest for eternal youth.

Bryan Johnson believes his current lifestyle has led him to the fountain of youth and has reversed his biological age.

“I have the cardiovascular capacity of an 18-year-old,” Johnson says.

The 46-year-old starts his morning off with five-minute light therapy and an hour-long workout.

Johnson then recharges with a salad made up of broccoli, cauliflower, black lentils and ginger. In his quest to balance the perfect diet based on scientific evidence, Johnson maintains a vegan diet and consumes 2,000 calories a day.

Unlike many others who allow themselves a cheat day to indulge, Johnson told Inside Edition that “the idea of cheating makes me feel sick.”

Along with his meals, he takes more than 100 pills a day to help maintain his youth. 

Johnson spends up to two hours a day inside his own personal clinic where he undergoes red light therapy, which supposedly increases energy and skin quality.

If his rigorous lifestyle wasn’t enough, Johnson also participated in a multi-generational plasma exchange with his son and father. Johnson received a liter of plasma from his son, and he donated a liter of his own plasma to his father. 

Based on what Johnson has been documenting, he believes he will live for a long time.

Johnson sold his tech company in 2013 to PayPal for $800 million.

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