Teen Gets Mom a Special Cake as a Thank You for Having Her Vaccinated

Teen thanks her mom for vaccinating her with a cake.
Credit: Kayla Cooper

Alyssa Jackson, 17, and her sister, Ashley, purchased a cake at Dairy Queen in Pittsburgh that read, “Thx 4 vaccinating us, Mom."

A Pennsylvania teen wanted to surprise her mom by thanking her for having her vaccinated.

So Alyssa Jackson, 17, and her sister, Ashley, purchased a cake at Dairy Queen in Pittsburgh that read “Thx 4 vaccinating us, Mom” because they wanted to make her laugh. 

“We had just finished picking up my vaccination records from the doctor when we stopped at Dairy Queen and got food. While sitting there we made the decision to get the cake, and we wanted to write something on it,” Alyssa told InsideEdition.com. “We wrote the thank you for vaccinations because that is a big topic right now in the media, and we do appreciate her for getting us vaccinated.”

They wrote the message themselves because they thought it might be odd to ask someone at the bakery. 

When they came home with the cake, they said their mom was “skeptical.”

A video of their endeavor has been viewed more than 400,000 since Jackson posted in on the app TikTok.

“Once she saw what the cake said, she had a good laugh and I honestly think she appreciated the gesture,” Alyssa said. “Vaccinations are very important, because you are not only exposing your child to certain threats. You are also bringing other children into it.”