Teen Who Was Mauled by Shark Returns to the Ocean for 1st Time Since Attack

Keane Webre-Hayes' terrified mother looked on as he set foot in the ocean for the first time since the shark attack.

Inside Edition was with Keane Webre-Hayes as he returned to the ocean for the first time since he was attacked by a shark attack last year.

“It’s a big moment to go back in. It just needed to be done,” he told Inside Edition. 

The San Diego 13-year-old was on his kayak when he was attacked by a great white, which tore into his face, back and shoulder. He lost half his blood and received 1,000 stitches. 

Incredibly, the teenager said the next day he wanted to go back into the ocean.

It took nine months, but he finally got his chance. 

Keane's mom, Ellie Hayes, who witnessed the shark attack, told Inside Edition she was terrified to see her son head back into the ocean.

“I am having a really hard time with it. I have PTSD. Nobody wants to hear their kid get attacked by a great white shark,” she said. 

But she's nonetheless proud of her son for his bravery. 

After Keane's injuries began to heal, he hit the pool to practice swimming with an injured shoulder. He spent hours in the gym, rebuilding his upper body strength to eventually go back in the water. 

Whatever happened, Keane said he doesn't blame the shark that bit him. 

“I have much more respect [for sharks],” he said. “I have a connection with them that not many people have.”