Top News Outlets Wary of Sending Journalists to Travel With Trump on Campaign Trail Over Coronavirus Concerns

Citing concerns over lack of COVID-19 safety measures, reporters from several of the country's top news outlets will not be traveling with Trump to his upcoming campaign rallies.

Citing concerns over lack of COVID-19 safety measures, reporters from several of the country's top news outlets, including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, will not be traveling with President Donald Trump to his upcoming campaign rallies, as is customary, The New York Times reported. At least three White House correspondents have tested for the virus, including a Times reporter who had traveled on Air Force One.

Trump's Monday night rally in Florida was his first campaign appearance since being hospitalized for COVID-19. And if there was concern that attendees might be at risk for coronavirus, it wasn’t evident, given the close proximity of mostly maskless people in the crowd.

In one moment, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was captured on video without a mask on, walking around and high-fiving in the crowd. The event has health officials sounding the alarm.

In another moment, Trump danced to the YMCA in front of cheering supporters.

Trump has a busy week of rallies planned in battleground states, including Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Iowa. He’ll head back to Florida at the end of the week and head to Ohio and Wisconsin over the weekend.