Dr. Deepa Sharma, one of the tourists who died on a bus that was struck by falling rocks, posted a photo about 30 minutes before the accident.
Nine people are dead after a devastating landslide in India.
The incident happened in Himachal Pradesh, the northernmost Indian state, situated in the Himalayan Mountains.
The falling rocks crushed a mini-bus carrying tourists. Crews rushed in to help, but for many, it was too late. In the end, two people were injured, and nine lost their lives.
Dr. Deepa Sharma, one of the tourists who died on this bus, tweeted photos from the Indian/Tibetan border. The tweet was reportedly posted less than 30 minutes before the landslide.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the families of those who died in the landslide would receive two Lakh Rupees, which is about $2,600 US, and those injured will get $670.
Just days before this landslide, monsoons in the Western part of India triggered flooding and mudslides. Reportedly, over 125 people were killed.