Voter Registration Application Arrives in the Mail Addressed to Cat That Died 12 Years Ago

Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Office said the application did not come from its office and that third-party groups often use mailing lists to get names and addresses.
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The owners of Cody Tims, a cat who died 12 years ago, received a voter registration application in the mail recently and baffled the former owners.

The Atlanta owners of Cody Tims, a cat that died 12 years ago, said they recently received a voter registration application in the mail for the deceased feline.

“A great cat, indoor and outdoor, loved his family, loved his neighborhood. He was 18 and a half when he passed away,” Carol Tims told WAGA-TV. “There’s a huge push but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not sure who else they’re trying to register. I’m not sure if they’re trying to register dogs, mice, snakes.”

Georgia’s Secretary of State’s Office said the application did not come from its office and that third-party groups often use mailing lists to get names and addresses.

“Third-party groups all over the country are targeting Georgia to help register qualified individuals,” the Secretary of State’s Office said in a statement. “This group makes you wonder what these out-of-town activists are really doing. Make no mistake about it, this office is dedicated to investigating all types of fraud.”

Despite Cody not being of the correct species to cast a vote, it would have also needed a photo ID to pick their candidate. While in good fun, its owner says that Cody would have voted DemoCAT.