
Was Beyonce's Strict Postpartum Diet Safe?

The extremely restrictive diet features no carbs, no sugar, no dairy and no alcohol.

After giving birth to twins Rumi and Sir, Beyonce turned her attention to her next big goal: getting back in shape. 

The diet she used, however, is stirring up controversy because it was extremely restrictive. 

As Beyonce told the filmmakers of her concert documentary "Homecoming," she limited herself "to no bread, no carbs, no sugar, no dairy, no fish, no alcohol."

"I'm hungry," she confessed. 

Dr. Richard Firshein, an expert in integrative and precision-based medicine and founder of the Firshein Center, told Inside Edition the diet is not one he would recommend, particularly for a woman who had just given birth.

"The decision to go on a diet like this is really not something that we recommend as physicians," Firshein said. "It puts enormous stress on the body."

He added that while it's a typical vegetarian diet, it wasn't done correctly.

"Generally when a woman gives birth, we really want to put them through a more gentle process because we're not only trying to help them recover from the birth of their child, but also to help them to rebalance their nutritional needs," he said.