Was Larry King Cryogenically Frozen After His Death?

A family source told Inside Edition that two years ago, his family sat down with him for a heart-to-heart to talk about his true desires following his death.

Legendary interviewer and TV host Larry King, who died Saturday at the age of 87, spoke many times over the years about his desire to be cryogenically frozen upon his death. In a New York Times interview five years ago, King said he wanted “the full Ted Williams treatment,” referring to the baseball legend who died in 2002 and remains frozen in a cryogenics facility in Scottsdale, Arizona.

King also had a conversation about the topic with Dr. Oz, the doctor confirmed to Inside Edition Tuesday.

“So Larry King actually confided years ago to me that he actually didn’t believe in an afterlife. So he wanted to keep his body alive, and he found cryogenic preservation offered him that possibility,” Dr. Oz said.

But did King get his wish to be frozen? A family source told Inside Edition that two years ago, his family sat down with him for a heart-to-heart to talk about his true desires following his death. After much consideration, he decided he did not want to be frozen.

King had a traditional service over the weekend. It was described as small and private, befitting COVID-19 protocol.