Witch Soars Over the French Alps on a Broomstick

Paragliders took to the skies in zany costumes to compete for the Icarus Cup.

Don’t be alarmed if you saw a witch flying above the French Alps over the weekend.

Paragliders soared the skies of a small village in southern France called Saint-Hilaire in wacky costumes to compete for the Coupe Icare, or the Icarus Cup.

In fact, the spooky figure in the skies also included a pilot dressed as Harry Potter, complete with a broomstick and golden snitch.

They were joined by more zany paragliders dressed as storm troopers, camels, Titanic characters and the mascot of the town, a blue cow.

“This for fun,” pilot Luc Warth from Alsace told Reuters. “We fly all year, I have a flying school, I fly 200 hours per year, so this, this is really for the spectators.”

A group even took to the skies in duck costumes, seated in one giant inflatable duck.

“I had to cross the ocean to come here,” pilot Simon Dugage from Montreal, Canada, said. “When I’m here, I’m happy to share this with everyone.”