YouTube Star Leaves $10,000 Tip to Waitress After Ordering Just a Glass of Water

The waitress said she split the money with her co-workers.

One North Carolina waitress has received a $10,000 tip from a kind stranger, and split it with her coworkers. 

Alaina Custer was serving at a family restaurant in North Carolina when two customers came in and ordered just a glass of water each. 

"When I went back over there, they were gone and there was a note on the table on a napkin that said, ‘Waters were great.’ Then just the stack of $100s sitting there and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh,’ and I thought it wasn't real like someone was playing a joke on me," she told Inside Edition. 

The mystery tipper turned out to be Jimmy Donaldson, a YouTube star who goes by the name "Mr. Beast."  His videos feature extreme acts of generosity like tipping $10,000 to a pizza delivery driver and handing out cash to random people out of an ice cream truck.

"These are my favorite types of videos to make. I really enjoy helping people," he said on his channel. 

When Custer got the money, she said she was “very excited.” She also paid it forward. 

She kept $800 and split the rest among her co-workers. 

She's a 20-year-old college student and says this money is a huge help.