11-Year-Old Heart Patient Who Met Drake Now Gets Second Wish

She received a new heart.

An Illinois hospital patient with two birthday wishes, meeting Drake and receiving a heart transplant, will now have both her wishes granted. 

Sofia Sanchez, who turned 11 on Aug. 18, had her first dream come true when Grammy Award-winning artist Drake showed up in her Chicago hospital room last week. 

This past Sunday, she found out her second wish will be granted in an emotional moment captured on video. 

“My birthday wishes are to meet Drake, and that one did happen," she said in the clip. "It was great, and my other wish is to get a heart, which is gonna happen soon."

Her mom then breaks some life-changing news, telling her she will indeed be getting a heart.

Sofia screams, "I am getting a heart, Mom! Oh my god!" as she is overcome with emotion.

Sofia, who was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy this summer, was scheduled to receive her heart Monday morning at Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital. 

A GoFundMe campaign for Sofia has already raised nearly $50,000.