6-Year-Old Boy Shot and Killed in Backseat in California Road Rage Incident Remembered by Grieving Family

Aiden Leos was shot on a California freeway in a road rage incident. He was on the way to school. His teen sister gave an emotional statement at a press conference.

There is fear today on the freeways in Southern California after a slew of shootings. The latest ended in the death of a 6-year-old boy.

Aiden Leos was shot in a road rage attack while sitting in his booster seat on his way to school. It happened after his mother reportedly made a gesture at the driver of a white sedan after he cut her off the carpool lane. Gunfire erupted moments later.

“There was road rage on the freeway, and someone pulled out a gun and shot my little brother in the stomach. And he said, ‘Mommy, my tummy hurts,’ so she went and she picked him up and he was bleeding on her,” the kindergartener’s 15-year-old sister Alexis said at a press conference. 

The bullet struck the license plate, traveled through the trunk and into the backseat, striking the boy.

The killing comes amid more than 80 pellet gun shootings on Southern California freeways, with four new shootings on Monday. Drivers are terrified that they could be next, and their windows could be blown out by a random pellet. 

Mom of three Taryn Campbell was driving home on the freeway when a pellet shattered her back window.

“It could have hit me or startled me to where I swerved. And then I could have hit another car. It could have been fatal,” Campbell said. 

Don Pettinger was shot on the way to work, where he's school superintendent.

“It was more of a shock. I heard a loud explosion,” Pettinger said.

Pettinger said the death of Aiden in the road rage incident is hitting home, because he often drives his 3-year-old grandson to school. 

“It’s devastating. Someone is out of control,” Pettinger said.

Florentino Olivera of the California Highway Patrol told Inside Edition that investigators are working round the clock to find Aiden’s killer. 

The boy’s grieving family waits for the shooter to be caught and brought to justice.

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