
Bouncy Castle Nearly Flies Into Boy When Wind Gust Snaps Safety Strap

The incident was captured on surveillance camera. Luckily, no one was injured.

A North Carolina mom is speaking out after 40 mph winds sent a bouncy castle flying into the path of her 5-year-old little boy.

Video of the scary incident shows the panicked parents running outside to help after a strong wind gust broke the safety strap holding the structure down.

Jennifer Beane's young son was nearly hit by the flying bounce house, but dodged the gargantuan structure. 

Luckily, nobody was injured. But Beane is still shaken.

“Pure panic. We just wanted to know that everybody was OK and nobody was in it,” Beane said.

“We are very blessed, and that's the main reason we wanted to share this. We just want other parents and families to be aware that it's a possibility,” the mom continued.

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