Brooklyn Bridge Proposal Interrupted When Bicyclist Collides With Photographer

Subhead: A romantic proposal on the Brooklyn Bridge went south when the photographer stepped into the bike lane and was hit by a bicyclist.

A romantic proposal on the Brooklyn Bridge went south when the photographer was hit by a bicyclist. Angelina Rivera thought she was at the iconic location for a photo shoot.

Chris Vigo surprised her by getting down on one knee to propose. But before she was able to say yes, a second surprise came when the photographer stepped into bike lane traffic and was hit by a bicyclist.

But Chris was one determined boyfriend, and he carried on with his proposal without missing a beat.

"I just wanted to propose to my wonderful girlfriend. I didn't know what to do, because as a good friend of him I'm like, do I check up on him? Or do I stay here and hold her hand and get her to say yes?" Vigo said.

Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, and Angelina said yes!