Classmates Surprise Missouri Student, Tell Her She's Cancer-Free

It was the surprise of a lifetime.

It was the surprise of a lifetime.

Classmates moved 15-year-old Emily Sadler to tears by surprising her with the news she was cancer-free.

Emily’s mom, Amy Sadler, recently got word from doctors that her daughter no longer had the disease. Emily was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma in March 2017.

Since then, Emily pushed through radiation and several surgeries — including thyroid removal.

Through it all, Sadler said her daughter remained positive.

Word came just before Thanksgiving, but Sadler couldn’t wait until the holiday to tell her daughter the good news. So she decided she would get Emily’s school, Raytown High School in Missouri, involved.

"I wanted to share with the world that she had finally beat cancer," Sadler told

Sadler is also the school's orchestra teacher. Along with Emily’s father and two brothers, the class gathered to share the good news with the teen, which brought her to tears.

“I was shook,” Emily said. “I really liked it, though. I felt great.”

Emily received the best gift this holiday season — a clean bill of health.