
College Dance Team Advisor Achieves Dream of Dancing in Front of Roaring Stadium

Michael Galyean usually works behind the scenes as an advisor to the University of Tennessee's dance team. But when the chance came for his moment in the spotlight, he just couldn't say no.

Michael Galyean usually works behind the scenes as an advisor to the University of Tennessee's dance team. But it's long been his dream to perform on the football field during a game. 

Last weekend, he finally got his chance!

In his blue shirt and khakis, Galyean danced with the team, nailing every single move and bringing the entire house down in the process.

Now he can check this achievement off his bucket list.

“It was like, a dream came to me and said, ‘Do you want to be part of this dream?’ And I said, ‘Yeah, I sure do,’” Galyean tells Inside Edition.

Galyean says he would love to perform again. 

“It was a dream come true, so let's see if we can make lightning strike twice.”

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