Couple Who Lost Engagement Ring in New York City Grate: 'We Can't Believe It'

John Drennan and his now-fiancee, Daniella Anthony, said they are grateful that the NYPD manage to recover and clean the ring.

The British couple who lost an engagement ring down a Manhattan subway grate are forever grateful to those who helped locate it. 

Surveillance video from New York's Times Square shows the couple frantically searching for the ring after it slipped off the woman's finger following a memorable proposal in Central Park. 

The tourists from England thought it was gone for good and returned home, but cops from never gave up looking and returned to the grate the next day.

Police opened the grate and climbed down to search. After about 10 minutes of digging, they found it. 

"It’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” police said in a statement. 

Unfortunately, cops didn’t have any contact information for the couple, so they took to social media asking for help finding them. The NYPD also posted two images hoping it would help in the search.

Less than 24 hours later, John Drennan and Daniella Anthony were identified as the pair. 

"We are so, so happy,” she said in a statement. “I am and will be forever grateful to all who have helped me get my ring back."

The couple plans to marry in 2020 and say the cops will definitely be getting special mention at the ceremony.