
Cow Stranded in British Columbia Flood Brought to Safety With the Help of a Jet Ski

It's one of 50 cattle that found themselves almost underwater. 

A stranded cow was brought to safety with the help of a jet ski after a farm flooded in Abbotsford, British Columbia. 

It's one of 50 cattle that found themselves almost underwater. 

A few people helped push this cow and a few others to drier land. Boats were used in the rescue too.

"Well, this is a disaster, and this is an emergency state, a local state emergency, and I think people to the west of us here in Metro Vancouver have no idea what we're dealing with on the eastern half of our city," the mayor, Henry Braun, said.

Two days of torrential rain caused flooding in several parts of the region. Other areas have seen mudslides, and at least one person reportedly died.

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