Drivers Panic as Navigation Apps Steer Them Onto One of America's Steepest Streets

Baxter Street has a dangerous 32 percent grade incline that comes out of nowhere for unsuspecting drivers.

Navigational apps are creating a wild ride for Los Angeles motorists, leading them to a treacherous road that appears to come out of nowhere, with disastrous results.

Apps like Waze are directing drivers to Baxter Street, which is regarded as one of the steepest roads in America.

The route is meant to help people avoid traffic, but with a 32 percent grade incline, stunned drivers are losing control of their cars, landing upside down, and crashing onto front lawns and curbs. Truck and limo drivers are getting wedged on the street's crest.

The street is popular with daredevils who can often be seen on the street while performing tricks on their skateboards.

Inside Edition's Jim Moret couldn't believe what he was seeing when the Waze app sent him straight to Baxter Street.

“As I approach, I can't see what lies ahead," he said. "I'm driving blind, and then boom! I'm on what feels like a roller coaster. That street is steep!” 

Jeff Hartman says living on the street is becoming a nightmare.

“Every once in a while, I hear a big bang and then I come out and look and I’m like, 'Oh, someone hit somebody,’” he told Inside Edition. 

Neighbor Haya Morgenstern says she once got hit by an out-of-control driver.

“She thought she could brake safely, but apparently the car started sliding back so she ended up jumping out the car and the car came crashing down the street, hit my car and ended up flipped over," she claimed. 

In a statement to Inside Edition, Waze said:

"Waze is actually the best place to check for conditions you may consider hazardous; we have always made it possible to share information with other users via official reports for hazards like flooding, and general map comments for unusual concerns like gradient.

"Our maps are known for their accuracy in reflecting reality of road conditions, either defined by local law or by temporary condition such as a pothole or flooding. Thus while a driver may question the gradient of a hill, the city has placed a public road there, which means it should be considered usable within Waze to permit residents to navigate home, to assist in emergency response and more. 

“We are only as strong as the information we receive from our community and we greatly value their short term input via reporting as well as long term input as we develop new product features and refine our maps. This can be done within the app throughout the navigation process."