Family With 38 Children Quarantine After 12 Family Members Get COVID-19

Twenty-one of the Briggs' 38 children still live in the home, but the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been easy for them.

The Briggs, a West Virginia family with 38 children, has been doing their best while quarantining at home due to COVID-19.

Only 21 of their 38 children still live in the home, but the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been easy for them. Both parents, Jeane and Paul Briggs, as well as 10 of their children, contracted the virus. And because they all live in one house, quarantining has taken some creativity. 

They've been cleaning twice daily to prevent the spread in their home. With 21 people, it’s quite the feat.

Jeanne, who had it the worst, ended up in the intensive care unit for four days, leaving her family fearful. 

“It was a tough experience for our family,” Jeane told “My coronavirus was mostly GI. I was nauseous all the time. I would vomit a couple of times.”

Jeanne said she never had breathing issues.

"It was all my numbers, like potassium chloride and heart numbers, were dangerously low,” Jeane said. 

When Jeane got home from the hospital she quarantined in her room for two weeks, but Paul also ended up sick with symptoms like fatigue and body aches. Paul said at first he didn’t realize how serious the virus was until it impacted his family. They believe the virus was “brought home” by their son who works at their local Sam’s Club.

Now, the family has just two children still quarantining after the whole ordeal. They hope they will be out of the woods soon. 

The silver lining of it all is how they’ve banded together as a family, Jeanne said. 

They’ve reconnected with some of their children who have grown up and moved out. They also said they’ve received tons of support from the members of the community who have bought food for the entire family and checked in on them. 

We've been fortunate that with all of the kids and ourselves who have had this and Jeanne, only Jeanne has had to be hospitalized,” Paul said. “So we've kinda been able to work through the symptoms and deal with issues without want real tragic kind of medical conditions.”