Florida Mail Carrier Mauled to Death by 5 Dogs After Truck Broke Down

More than 5,400 dog attacks on postal employees were reported across the nation in 2021. A postal worker who survived a dog attack talks to Inside Edition about the recent fatal mauling.

A 61-year-old woman who recently became a mail carrier was making her rounds, when five vicious dogs mauled her to death.

Pamela Jane Rock had only been on the job for a year. Officials say she was on her route in a small Florida town, when her truck broke down. 

When she got out, authorities say five mixed-breed dogs escaped through an opening in a fence and launched a vicious attack. One neighbor even fired a rifle to scare the pack away, but the dogs just wouldn’t stop. 

Rock died the next day. 

More than 5,400 dog attacks on postal employees were reported across the nation in 2021.

Postal carrier Carol Mondine was walking up to a door on her route in Sacramento, California, when all hell broke loose.

“[The dog] came out, grabbed my arm, and it felt like he took it with him. He just ripped into it and kept going with it,” Mondine said.

Mondine fought for her life.

“I used my bag to put over his head, because that was the only thing that I could think of to stop him from continuing to bite me,” Mondine said. 

The problem is so bad, the Postal Service has issued an instructional video for its huge workforce. One important tip — if a vicious dog approaches you, don't run. Instead, stand your ground, then use your satchel to protect yourself and back away slowly, the video says.

Mondine says the tragic death of Pamela Jane Rock is really getting to her.

“It’s brought back a lot of trauma for me, because I can only imagine, with my limited experience, what she probably went through and I just don’t want this to happen to anyone else,” Mondine said.

All five of the dogs that attacked Rock were euthanized.

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