From Dog Food to Car Parts, US Retailers Are Seeing Shortages of Every Variety

In short supply these days are bottled water, bread, chicken and dog food, as well as car parts.

Stores across the U.S. are experiencing shortages of every variety, and customers are not happy.

From meat shortages at a Virginia store to empty freezers at a Dollar General store in Oklahoma, businesses are seeing virtually no shipments of items that customers rely on, all due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In short supply these days are bottled water, bread, chicken and dog food, as well as car parts.

“I have a client with a Ford Explorer. We've been waiting on the part for two months,” Nathan Gruber, who runs an auto repair shop in Manhattan, told Inside Edition. “Most parts are made in China which takes a lot longer because shipments from China are delayed."

“We used to promise we'll have your car by the end of the day. We can no longer do that,” he continued.

A toy shortage is also expected to hit. While shelves may be fully stocked now, restocking may prove difficult because of delayed deliveries.

In fact, experts advise parents to start shopping for the toys they want to surprise their children with for Christmas now. 

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