George Floyd Was Crying, Appeared Distraught as Police Confronted Him, Newly Released Body Cam Video Shows

Newly released body cam video shows George Floyd appeared distraught as police confronted him.

George Floyd appeared emotional and frightened as police confronted him outside a market, according to newly released body cam video shown at a courthouse in Minneapolis.

Floyd was crying, with his head down, as he placed his hands on the steering wheel of his vehicle while police pointed a gun at him and shouted at him, according to reports from those who viewed the video.

He repeatedly told officers he was claustrophobic and pleaded with them not to put him in the back of a patrol car. The new video is the longest look yet at the circumstances surrounding Floyd's death on May 25 at the hands of Minneapolis police.

It was made available Wednesday to the public and media by appointment at the Hennepin County Government Center. It was not allowed to be copied or recorded.

The footage starts with officers driving to a convenience store to answer a 911 reporting a man had used a counterfeit $20 bill. It ends with police talking about what happened after Floyd is taken away in an ambulance.

Four officers have been charged in Floyd's death. He is heard several times gasping "I can't breathe" as he held down by police, one of whom pressed his knee into Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes.

Derek Chauvin, the most senior officer on the scene, is seen with his knee on Floyd's neck as bystanders call for him to stop. The 19-year veteran of the Minneapolis Police Department, faces second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges. Three other officers are charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder.

The four have been fired. All have pleaded not guilty. Their trial is scheduled to begin March 8.