
Hawaiian Heroes Rescue Sisters Trapped in Sinking Car Just Moments Before Vehicle Is Fully Submerged

Video of the event showed bystanders looking on in shock before one by one, total strangers started jumping in the water to rescue the women before the vehicle was fully submerged.

Bystanders sprang into action to save two women in a van that began quickly sinking after driving off a dock in Hawaii.

Video of the ordeal showed the onlookers watching in shock before one by one, total strangers started jumping in the water to rescue the women before the vehicle was fully submerged.

Sean Hutchinson and his wife Christie saw the accident unfold.

"They just sort of drove into the water fairly quickly," Christie tells Inside Edition.

The driver says that GPS directions led her to the ramp, and then she drove straight into the water. 

Both women can be seen struggling to climb out the windows.

That is when the good Samaritans get to work and are quickly able to anchor the car with ropes and keep it from going under. This allows the two women to make their escape and safely get out of the vehicle.

Then, the ropes are loosened, and the car is fully submerged in just seconds.

And two very lucky women are able to return to dry land thanks to the heroics of a few lifesaving strangers.

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