How Accurate Are Food Expiration Dates?

Chef Lauren Van Liew showed Inside Edition what food is still good to eat after its sell-by date.

With more people stocked up on food to cook at home, many are wondering how long items last in their fridge. Does passing an item’s expiration date mean you must throw it out?

Chef Lauren Van Liew showed Inside Edition what food is still good to eat after its sell-by date.

"Milk, properly stored in your fridge, I'd say 5 to 7 days after the sell-by date," Van Liew said. 

Rather than smelling the milk in the container, she also said to pour it into a glass to check if it's still good.

She said eggs are usually good for three to five weeks past the date on the packaging, and that meat can be eaten six to eight months past the expiration date, assuming it’s been properly stored in the freezer.

Some things, like fresh chicken, should be used within days if you don't plan to freeze it. Rolling salad greens into a paper towel can also extend its shelf life.