
How to Get a Bikini-Ready Booty on Your Lunch Break

The whole procedure takes 45 minutes.

With beach season already in full effect, some women are getting bikini ready on their lunch hour.

Lindsay Brodowski, 23, recently visited plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Davis in Cherry Hill, N.J., with the goal of a plumper booty, and was back at work within an hour.

Dr. Davis used filler called Sculptra that is injected through a small incision.

“You can see how the butt is starting to get more projection," he told Inside Edition.

In total, the whole procedure took just 45 minutes.

"As soon as we're done, she can put clothes on and go back to work, Dr. Davis said. "She doesn’t have to worry about pillows or standing up. You can see there's a bump up right where she wanted it to be."

Brodowski, who was awake the whole time, checked out the progress, quickly realizing the procedure was a success.

“It looks great," she said. "I can see a difference. I can feel a difference. A little more volume there."

After the procedure, she went right back to work.