How Hot Temperatures Can Kill You and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself: Today on Inside Edition

A dangerous heat wave is bringing searing temperatures to much of the U.S. 

A dangerous heat wave is bringing searing temperatures to much of the U.S.

With heat indexes in the 100s across the East Coast, one thing to watch out for is heat stroke. Dr. Mehmet Oz shared the signs to watch out for with Inside Edition. 

Speaking of heat, the "Cats" trailer is catching plenty of it online for using what's been dubbed "digital fur technology" to transform the actors into the felines. What Inside Edition viewers thought about the trailer.

A convicted murderer deemed too old to kill again was released from prison only to fatally stab a mother in front of her twin sons. How was this allowed to happen?

And who's the man who hitched a piggyback ride on a woman?

For more Inside Edition stories, tune in to today's show. Check here for local listings.


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