How to Avoid Catching the Flu as Experts Warn This Year's Flu Season Will Be Severe

Health experts in the U.S. are looking at Australia as they predict just how bad flu season will be here because their flu season started in April. Australia experienced its worst flu season in five years, authorities said.

This year’s flu season is expected to be severe, as cases are already spiking across the nation, where officials are reporting high infection rates.

Those stricken are taking to social media to warn others to take precautions. 

“Y'all need to please stay healthy because this is terrible,” one person posted.  

Health experts in the U.S. are looking at Australia as they predict just how bad flu season will be here because their flu season started in April. Australia experienced its worst flu season in five years, authorities said.  

Last week, a homecoming dance at a San Diego high school turned into a super-spreader event with 850 students infected.  

“There were TikToks going viral joking that there was something in the lemonade at homecoming, a variation of the plague,” senior Calista Long told Inside Edition.  

A flu outbreak at nearby Patrick Henry High School started last Monday, doubled by Wednesday, and by Friday, more than half the student body—1,400 students –were out sick. 

“I’m predicting a very severe flu season,” Dr. Eric Ascher, a family medical physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, told Inside Edition. “Over the past two years, with masking and social distancing, we haven’t seen much flu, but now our bodies are going to be more susceptible.” 

So, what can people do to stay safe? 

“It’s so important if you are not feeling well, don’t go outdoors, no group settings,” Ascher said. “Getting vaxxed is the most important thing.” 

This year, the flu vaccine contains the four strains of flu that experts say are in circulation this season. “This year they nailed it,” Ascher said.

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