How Winter Cold Is Giving These Ice Artists a Chance to Shine

Check out some of the cools ways people use ice to make art.

It was a winter wonderland at the “Snow Art Festival” in Italy. 

With 24 artists from countries like Spain and Slovenia, the sculptors who participated transformed ice into art in the town of Pontebba.

The artists were divided into groups of threes this past Sunday and given tools – like blades and chisels – with just hours to complete a sculpture. 

There were elephants, locomotives, cartoon characters, birds of prey and things that defied description.

Tourists and residents judged the works to crown the winners. 

The country takes its ice art seriously, as another festival, the "Ice Music Festival," is also taking place in northern Italy. 

Instruments – from bongos to violins – were crafted from the ice. They were even played.

The instruments can disintegrate as they're played, but the concert hall is an igloo in hopes of preventing that from happening rapidly. 

Sixty concerts are played in the igloo over the season.

Check out the video above for more unique ways ice is being used to create art across the world.