Kids Fire Gun Inside Ikea Store After Finding It in Couch Cushion

A kid fired a gun in an Ikea store.Getty

A customer later said it had fallen out of his pocket without his noticing.

A day out shopping nearly turned deadly for a couple of Indiana kids Monday after they reportedly found a gun in a store couch cushion and pulled the trigger.

Now one was hurt, but the gunshot undoubtedly sparked a panic in the Ikea store in Fishers.

An investigation revealed the gun was in the pocket of an unrelated customer who neglected to realize it had slipped from his pocket when he sat on the couch.

Now police are working to determine whether charges will be filed and say the incident highlights exactly why responsible gun ownership is so important. 

"It's important to remember that if you're going to carry a firearm on your person, that you make sure you’re under control of it at all times," Fishers police Sgt. Tom Weger said in a statement to WTTV.

Ikea also released the following statement:

"Safety and security of customers and co-workers is the top priority for Ikea," the company said. "We have processes in place to ensure that the store is safe for customers and co-workers. For example, our store team has regular safety walks and audits which happen before, during and after opening hours.

"In addition, Ikea has a no-weapon policy in our locations to prevent exactly these types of situations. As soon as we were made aware of the situation, our co-workers took the action they were trained to do to ensure the safety of customers. We are cooperating with police as they investigate this incident."