Las Vegas Family Claims They Saw 2 Aliens in Their Backyard

“I believe that I saw something that wasn’t from Earth,” Joshua Kenmore says.

The Las Vegas family who claimed to have seen aliens in their backyard explained to Inside Edition in an exclusive interview how the eyes of the world were upon them overnight.

Angel Kenmore,16, says he saw two creatures in his backyard after seeing a mysterious bright fireball that seemed to be falling towards the ground and was paralyzed with fear. His father, Bobby, and brother, Joshua say they also saw the creatures.

“I believe that I saw something that wasn’t from Earth,” Joshua says.

The family says that three days after the encounter, a government vehicle showed up outside of their home with three men dressed in black to investigate. 

“We see three guys who were driving a black Suburban with U.S. government plates,” Bobby says. “They was passing around, there was, you know, when we opened the garage, we went to them and they just run away.”

When police released the bodycam footage from the night they responded to Angel’s 911 call about the sighting, the Kenmore family was thrust into the worldwide spotlight overnight. Strangers flocked to their home and wanted to see the location of one of the most intriguing UFO sightings in decades for themselves. According to Angel, people have been climbing the family’s fences.

Science writer and UFO skeptic Mick West has another explanation for what the Kenmores could have seen that night.

“Racoons, which have great big black eyes, could be on top of the fence,” West says. “Someone could mistake that in the darkness as an alien being with giant eyes or something like a coyote jumping over the fence.”

The family says the creature they saw was too big to be a racoon.

Attorney Sam Ryan Heidari represents the family.

“They didn’t want that publicity. The only thing they did it was reporting it to the police,” Heidari tells Inside Edition. “I believe that they believe that it was real.”

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