
Lovesick Donkey and Emu Dubbed Jack and Diane Get Adopted by 'Walking Dead' Actor

The donkey and emu who couldn't be separated became famous on social media.

The donkey and emu that couldn't be separated now have a new home, thanks to "Walking Dead" actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays the villainous, bat-wielding Negan on the zombie apocalypse series.

Jack and Diane, as they were named by Carolina Waterfowl Rescue director Jennifer Gordon, are now happily romping on Morgan's New York farm in the Hudson Valley.

The four-legged couple had been rescued from a North Carolina home by Gordon after being abandoned with a slew of other critters. Gordon soon learned that trying to keep them apart set off a cacophony of braying and fretful behavior. They had to be loaded into the same trailer to be transported to Gordon's animal refuge.

"They were all cuddled up together," Gordon told InsideEdition last month. "Just kind of snuggled up. Which seemed odd."

The odd couple became famous, thanks to social media, and people from all over the globe offered to adopt Jack and Diane, names Gordon chose from the John Mellencamp song.

One of those responders was Morgan, who offered to let the donkey and emu wander his acreage in upstate New York.

After talking to many would-be adopters, Gordon chose Morgan, thinking his vast expanse of land and assorted other animals would be the perfect new home for the happy couple.

Morgan promised to post updates of Jack and Diane, and did so after the pair's arrival.