Maine Man Nearly Killed in Fall From Tree as Frisbee Stunt Goes Horribly Wrong

Alex Larrabee was out cold for 10 minutes.

A man shattered his pelvis and broke a rib after falling from a tree to catch a wayward Frisbee in Buxton, Maine, earlier this month. 

On July 11, Alex Larrabee, 24, hit the ground with a thud and was out cold for 10 minutes.

"Right before I hit the ground, everything just went black and next thing I remember was I woke up in the hospital with a neck brace on and all of my friends and my family were all there standing all around me," he told Inside Edition.  "I had no idea what was going on."

Larrabee had also suffered a concussion and a lung contusion, according to reports.

He admits he climbed the tree after having had a few beers. He says he knew it was a bad idea as soon as he reached the top.

"I kinda felt the branch swinging back and forth and I was kinda like, 'Whoa! This is a little sketchy up here!'" he admitted. 

Doctors told him that he was lucky.

"I could have landed on my neck, I could have landed on my head, I could have been paralyzed for life — I could have died," he said. "I landed just right."