Is This the Maryland House Where Christine Blasey Ford Was Allegedly Assaulted?

Kavanaugh's friend, Timmy Gaudette, lived in a Rockville, Maryland, home in the 80s.

The home in Rockville, Maryland, where Brett Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey Ford 36 years ago has become the center of attention. 

The possible site of the alleged attack belonged to Kavanaugh's high school friend, Timmy Gaudette. 

Kavanaugh's own calendar contains what may be vital clues about the night Dr. Ford says she was attacked at the house. 

The entry for July 1, 1982, says: “Go to Timmy’s for skis with Judge, Tom, Pj, Bernie, Squi." "Skis" is believed to refer to brewskis. 

The home is a brick, two-story row home that is across the street from a park.

Inside Edition tried to get inside the house, but no one was home. The crew did, however, get access to a neighbor's home with what's said to have the same floor plan, which appears to match Dr. Ford's testimony: a narrow set of stairs, a room to the left and bathroom across the hall. 

Gaudette’s house is about 10 miles from the Columbia Country Club in Chevy Chase, Maryland, where Dr. Ford says she spent the day swimming before going to the party.

Inside Edition also visited the Safeway Supermarket in Potomac Village, where Dr. Ford said she came face-to-face with Mark Judge, who she claimed was the other boy involved in the incident with Kavanaugh.

With Kavanaugh’s Georgetown Prep lifestyle on full display, his former classmate, William Fishburne, spoke to Inside Edition about what the judge and his friends were like. 

“They would talk about getting really drunk. Blackout was not a common term but [they would] absolutely talk about drinking a whole lot and getting really drunk,” he said.  

Even as a teenager, he says Kavanaugh made no secret of his ultimate goal. 

“I can remember Brett Kavanaugh talking about being a Supreme Court justice in high school," Fishburne said.