Michigan Woman Sells Rare Plants for Big Bucks

Rare Plants
Jocelyn Ho has a very green business.Rare Plant Fairy/Facebook

Jocelyn Ho has spent the pandemic growing her own small business.

In the heart of Detroit, a female entrepreneur is literally growing her own small business.

Jocelyn Ho is the owner and founder of Rare Plant Fairy, which blooms exotic plants for sale around the globe.

She started it in her bedroom, and as demand grew for her foliage, she expanded to a climate-controlled warehouse where the temperature is kept at a steady 75 degrees, even in the dead of winter cold in Michigan.

Her interest in rare plants blossomed from being a collector of them to growing them herself. She began selling them during the pandemic. 

The leaves of her plants can contain several colors, and some sell for as much as $2,000.

Her customers include residents of Norway, Dubai, Thailand and France.

Her blooming inventory can be seen here.

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