Felicity Karam was a vibrant, happy child who "always had a smile on her face," said her aunt.
A little girl in Missouri was killed by an ice cream truck after buying treats with her family.
Two-year-old Felicity Karam was a vibrant, happy child who "always had a smile on her face," said her aunt, Rachel Zeik, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "She was unique. She was very independent."
Zeik had been visiting the family on Sunday when the truck came through the Wentzville neighborhood. Zeik said she walked across the street with Felicity and a group of children including Felicity's sisters and Zeik's daughter, and bought ice cream.
The toddler stepped in front of the truck as it began to accelerate, Zeik said, calling it a "freak accident." The president of the ice cream truck company said much the same, calling the incident "tragic" and saying in a statement that the driver was "terribly distraught."
The firm has "never had an accident like this and deeply share in this family’s pain," Stan Stanev of Cool Times Ice Cream said in a statement Monday.
Wentzville police are investigating and working on restaging the accident, but no charges are anticipated against the driver, public information officer Jacob Schmidt of the Wentzville Police Department told InsideEdition.com Monday night.
Felicity was one of five girls in the family. She had a 4-month-old sister, and sisters who are 6, 4 and 3. Their parents, Lucy and Andy Karam, did not wish to comment, Zeik said.
The aunt said she was at the family's home Sunday with her daughter, who was spending time with her cousins before scheduled surgery on Monday to remove her tonsils, the paper reported.
When the ice cream truck stopped, Zeik and the kids walked over to it. She declined to talk in detail about the accident.
"The driver of the ice cream truck, which had just served ice cream cones to this family moments before the accident, is terribly distraught," the company's statement said. "He is a middle-aged gentleman and has been an excellent ice cream truck driver [for] seven or eight seasons."
Zeika has established a GoFundMe account to help with funeral costs.
"My sister and brother n law [sic] lost their most amazing two year old today. She will be missed by so many. She was the 4th girl out of 5. She was tak[en] from us to soon by the tragic accident with the ice cream truck. Her smile and personality will be forever remembered. Please remember our sweet Felicity," the aunt wrote on the site.
By Monday night, more than $28,000 had been donated.